Transform your makers into changemakers

Accelerate your Factory Transformation with Fujitsu Smart Manufacturing Solutions

Reimagine: where manufacturing goes from here

Manufacturing is a continuously evolving industry at the heart of the global economy. In 2020, as the world experienced a seismic change, resilience proved the key to survival. Manufacturers who took the opportunity to reimagine their operations and accelerate their digitalization strategy were empowered to find new ways to adapt and build business architecture to help them thrive.

Pre-pandemic, transformative Industry 4.0 technologies might have been on every manufacturer’s mind, but in the changed world, shopfloor transformation has gone from being tomorrow’s nirvana to today’s needs-must. If you haven’t yet taken your first step to digital, it’s time to make the transition and move from lean to smart manufacturing.

At Fujitsu, we believe that reimagining is our best bet in an uncertain future, but the question is how? The answer? Through the power and potential of people!

While every manufacturer might be on the journey to digital transformation, few are building their roadmap around human capability; the passion, intelligence and creativity of your shopfloor makers at every level, unique to your business. People are your driving force for change. Put smart factory technologies in their hands and they will find ways to deliver services better, faster and closer to what customers demand – innovating at every opportunity.

It’s time to perform a ‘factory restart’ and transform your makers into changemakers.

Transitioning to the digital factory – now is the time to rethink, re-evaluate and reprioritize.

Manufacturers have reached a once-in-a-lifetime crossroads, where a pause in production plus Industry 4.0 technologies have enabled them to rethink, re-evaluate and reprioritize change. But, as manufacturing productivity climbs back to pre-pandemic levels, how do you ensure continuity of production while also accelerating your digital transformation strategy? And how do you retain the knowledge of your experienced workers, while acquiring new digital skillsets for emerging roles?

Now is the time for a factory reset but digital transformation doesn’t mean replacing your people with automation. In the smart factory, your makers are liberated to improve and innovate, sharing skills between generations, and driving operational excellence on the shop floor.

With transformational digital technologies, you are empowered to rethink your supply chain to enable your people to continue making – no matter what happens – and deliver transparent customer value. By encouraging your own changemakers to join forces with others, you can co-create new services and experiences in a circular, sustainable ecosystem – while making sure that systems and data are always protected.

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