Multi-Cloud – Business innovation, technical challenges

Connected – Intelligent – Transformed

The latest wave of digital disruption is moving at a blistering pace, presenting massive opportunity for those who embrace it; and huge risk for those who do not respond.

To survive, compete and thrive today, you need to empower your people with cutting-edge technologies for innovation, drive new levels of business insight and re-imagine your services and customer engagements.

“The answer lies in a personalized, Multi-Cloud ecosystem that – together – we can co-create perfectly around your business.”

Co-creating Your Multi-Cloud with you and our partners:
Amazon Web Services Azure Expert Oracle Cloud Managed Service Provider SAP GlobalPartner VMWare Partner

Our vision for transforming with Multi-Cloud

To be at the forefront of digital disruption, enhance services and accelerate business success, we believe every organization needs to
reshape their future based on three core aspirations:

That’s why we’re helping global ecosystems of people, technology and things to become seamlessly connected.
We’re enabling customer experiences to become highly intelligent.
And we’re accelerating business models, applications and services towards their completely transformed future.


  • Connect people for productivity & empowerment
  • Connect leading technologies to reduce complexity and innovation
  • Connect people and technology together to develop and scale at pace


  • Intelligent data collection, closer to your customers
  • Intelligent insights driven from data
  • Intelligent experiences and rapid responses, powered by automation


  • Transform your business applications to be fit for the digital age
  • Transform your business processes for greater agility, speed and efficiency
  • Transform your business models and culture to drive organizational change and innovation

A leader in Multi-Cloud and Hybrid IT

Our “right cloud for right workload” approach means you can get the innovation, speed and agility of hyper scale clouds, whilst blending with private and existing platforms for enhanced performance, security and regulatory compliance.

It’s a consultative approach that works for hundreds of customers – and has led to Fujitsu’s position as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing & Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Europe.

Discover more insights, guidance and successes from Multi-Cloud leader, below…

Multi-Cloud Technology and Business Insights

Graph showing the use of cloud and traditional IT

Where is Hybrid Heading? Views on exploiting multi-modal IT

Hybrid IT ecosystems – combining traditional, cloud-hosted, born-in-the-cloud, and IoT systems delivered from the network edge – are becoming more critical and interconnected for most enterprises. However, whilst Multi-Cloud is critical to embracing the pace of change needed to survive in today’s business environment, more and more organizations are concerned at the complexity of managing multiple cloud infrastructures, and by the tight interconnections needed at an application level. This study is intended to provide invaluable guidance to help organizations succeed with their Multi-Cloud enabled Hybrid IT plans. It also aims to fully arm them with the lessons learnt by peers who have achieved successful implementations – like the 34% of enterprises that have transformed their applications at the same time as moving them to the cloud.

Download the ‘Where is Hybrid Heading?’ report

Co-creation is crucial for cloud success

The cloud is enabling organisations to build new services that transform the user experience and increase customer engagement. With the cloud, any business can now access enterprise-class services and capabilities, as well as advanced development tools, enabling innovation at great speed. The most successful transformations are enabled through co-creation, powered by an ecosystem of partners working together with customers. (From the “Cloud for Business” report published by Raconteur in The Times on 11th December, 2018.)

Read more from the Fujitsu and AWS Cloud article >>

Graph: how does your organisation deal with changes in cloud services you have running? Find out more at

Multi-Cloud Industry Insights

Lead in a digital world with Cloud Powered Retail

Succeeding in retail has never been more difficult. The competition is fierce. Your customers expect more. And for many, time is running out to get it right. Fujitsu and its partner ecosystem (Microsoft Azure, VMware, SAP, Oracle) are helping retailers to compete and succeed in a new, digital world – providing the platforms, apps and services that enable seamless, omni-channel interactions and truly data-driven insights. You can lead in a digital world with Cloud Powered Retail.

Transforming the future of Financial Services with Multi-Cloud

Multi-Cloud is critical for responding to and embracing the pace of digital disruption in the financial services market. It’s also fast becoming a major driver of information/cyber security, with 70% of organizations we surveyed reporting an improvement since moving to a hybrid environment.

Despite this, a holistic security strategy for protecting your multi-cloud systems, applications and data throughout your evolution is highly important. With Fujitsu and our trusted partners, you can accelerate your transformation with complete confidence and control.

Multi-Cloud Security Insights

A ‘Perfect Security Storm’ is brewing for many organizations – driven by increased regulation, greater transformation, DevOps models and Multi-Cloud environments.

To overcome the challenges these present and ensure your landscape is secure by design, a stable core and the right combination of cloud platforms is essential. Just as important is that your applications, workloads and data are secured at rest and in motion, using the leading cloud-native tools and controls. Experts from Fujitsu and VMware give their guidance.

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